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Water Resources & Management
Flood legislation and land policy framework of EU and non-EU countries in Southern Europe (2021)
Solomun, M.K., Ferreira, C.S.S., Zupanc, V., Ristic, R., Drobnjak, A., Kalantari, Z., WIREs Water.
Flood Mitigation in Mediterranean Coastal Regions: Problems, Solutions, and Stakeholder Involvement (2021)
Ciampa, F., Seifollahi-Aghmiuni, S., Kalantari, Z., Ferreira, C.S.S., Sustainability, 131, 474.
Hydrological Processes in Eucalypt and Pine Forested Headwater Catchments within Mediterranean Region (2021)
Boulet, A.-K., Rial-Rivas, M.E., Ferreira, C., Coelho, C.O.A., Kalantari, Z., Keizer, J.J., Ferreira, A.J.D., Water, 13, 1418.
Effectiveness of Nature-Based Solutions in Mitigating Flood Hazard in a Mediterranean Peri-Urban Catchment (2020)
Ferreira, C.S.S., Mourato, S., Ksanin-Grubin, M., Ferreira, A.J.D., Destouni, G., Kalantari, Z., Water 2020, 12, 2893.
Understanding coastal wetland conditions and futures by closing their hydrologic balance: the case of the Gialova lagoon, Greece (2020)
Manzoni S., Maneas G., Scaini A., Psiloglou B., Destouni G., and W. Lyon S., Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24 (7): 3557–71.
Data for wetlandscapes and their changes around the world (2020)
Ghajarnia N., Destouni G., Thorslund J., Kalantari Z.,, Earth System Science Data, 12, 1083–1100.
Data-driven analysis of nutrient inputs and transfers through nested catchments (2018)
Levi L, Cvetkovic V, Destouni G., Science of The Total Environment, 610-611, 482-494.
Solute evidence for hydrological connectivity of geographically isolated wetlands (2018)
Thorslund J, Cohen MJ, Jawitz JW, Destouni G, Creed IF, Rains MC, Badiou P, Jarsjö J, Land Degradation and Development, 29, 3954-3962.
Large-scale comparison of flow-variability dampening by lakes and wetlands in the landscape (2018)
Quin A, Destouni G., Land Degradation and Development, 29, 3617–3627.
Multi-functionality of nature based and other urban sustainability solutions and their nexus: comparisons for New York City (2018)
Engström R., Howells M., Mörtberg U., Destouni G., Land Degradation and Development, 29, 3653-3662.
Drought reduces blue-water fluxes more strongly than green-water fluxes in Europe (2018)
Orth R, Destouni G, Nature Communications, 9, 3602.
Robust Assessment of Uncertain Freshwater Changes: The Case of Greece with Large Irrigation—and Climate-Driven Runoff Decrease (2018)
Destouni G., Prieto C., Water, 10, 11.
Modelling the freshwater supply of cisterns in ancient Greece (2018)
Klingborg, P., & Finné, M., Water History, 10, pp 113-131.
Wetlands as large-scale nature-based solutions: Status and challenges for research, engineering and management (2017)
​Thorslund J., Jarsjö J., Jaramillo F., Jawitz J.W., Manzoni S., Basu N.B., Chalov S.R., Cohen M.J., Creed I.F., Goldenberg R., Hylin A., Kalantari Z., Koussis A.D., Lyon S.W., Mazi K., Mård J., Persson K., PietroÅ„ J., Prieto C., Quin A., Van Meter K., Destouni G., Ecological Engineering, 108 Part B.
Quantifying a sustainable management space for human use of coastal groundwater under multiple change pressures (2016)
Mazi K., Koussis A.D., Destouni G., Water Resources Management, 30, 4063–4080, DOI 10.1007/s11269-016-1363-1, (Erratum, pp 4081–4081).
Quasi-steady flow in sloping aquifers (2015)
Akylas, E., Gravanis E., Koussis A. D., Water Resources Research, 51, 11.
A correction for Dupuit–Forchheimer interface flow models of seawater intrusion in unconfined coastal aquifers (2015)
Koussis A.D., Mazi K., Riou F., Destouni G., Journal of Hydrology 525, 277–285.
Local flow regulation and irrigation raise global human water consumption and footprint (2015)
Jaramillo F, Destouni G., Science, 350 (6265), 1248-1251.
Implications of freshwater flux data from the CMIP5 multi-model output across a set of Northern Hemisphere drainage basins (2015)
Bring A, Asokan SM, Jaramillo F, Jarsjö J, Levi L, PietroÅ„ J, Prieto C, Rogberg P, Destouni G., Earth’s Future, 3 (6), 206–217, doi:10.1002/2014 EF000296, 2015.
Modeling potential water resource impacts of Mediterranean tourism in a changing climate (2015)
Klein, J., Ekstedt, K., Walter, M.T., Lyon, S.W., Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 20(2), pp 117-128.
Seawater intrusion risks and controls for safe use of coastal groundwater under multiple change pressures (2014)
Mazi, K., PhD Dissertation, No 42 (Physical Geography), Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University, Sweden. ISSN 1653-7211, ISBN 978-91-7447-907-2, Print: US-AB, Stockholm.
Intensively exploited Mediterranean aquifers: resilience to seawater intrusion and proximity to critical thresholds (2014)
Mazi K., Koussis A.D., Destouni G., Hydrology and Earth System Science, 18, pp 1663-1677.
Training hydrologists to be ecohydrologists: a “how-you-can-do-it” example leveraging an active learning environment for studying plant-water interaction (2013)
Lyon, S.W., Walter, M.T., Jantze, E.J., Archibald, J.A., Hydrology and Earth System Science, 17, pp 269-279.
Tipping points for seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers under rising sea level (2013)
Mazi K., Koussis A.D., Destouni G., Environmental Research Letters, 8(1), 014001.
Analytical single-potential, sharp-interface solutions for regional seawater intrusion in sloping unconfined coastal aquifers, with pumping and recharge (2012)
Koussis A.D., Mazi K., Destouni G., Journal of Hydrology, 416–417, pp 1-11.
Is submarine groundwater discharge predictable? (2011)
Prieto C., Destouni G., Geophysical Research Letters, 38(1), L01402.
Cost-efficient management of coastal aquifers via recharge with treated wastewater and desalination of brackish groundwater: Application to the Akrotiri Basin and Aquifer, Cyprus (2010)
Koussis A.D., Georgopoulou E., Kotronarou A., Mazi K., Restrepo P., Destouni G., Prieto C., Rodriguez J.J., Rodriguez-Mirasol J., Cordero T., Ioannou C., Georgiou A., Schwarz J., Zacharias I., Hydrological Sciences Journal, 55(7), pp 1234–1245.
Cost-efficient management of coastal aquifers via recharge with treated wastewater and desalination of brackish groundwater: General framework (2010)
Koussis A.D., Georgopoulou E., Kotronarou A., Lalas D.P., Restrepo P., Destouni G., Prieto C., Rodriguez J.J., Rodriguez-Mirasol J., Cordero T., Gomez-Gotor A., Hydrological Sciences Journal, 55(7), pp 1217–1233.
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