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Society & Sustainable Development
Earth observation: An integral part of a smart and sustainable city (2022)
Gerasopoulos E. et al, Environmental Science and Policy, 132(22), 296-307.
The LTER-Greece Environmental Observatory Network: Design and Initial Achievements (2021)
Skoulikidis N. et al, Water, 13(21), 2971.
Long-Term Urbanization Dynamics and the Evolution of Green/Blue Areas in Eastern Europe: Insights from Romania (2021)
Halbac-Cotoara-zamfir, R., Ferreira, C.S.S., Salvati, L., Sustainability, 13(24), 14068.
Soil degradation in the European Mediterranean region: Processes, status and consequences (2022)
Ferreira, C.S.S., Seifollahi-Aghmiuni, S., Destouni, G., Ghajarnia, N., Kalantari, Z., Science of the Total Environment, 150106.
Application of the Adaptive Cycle and Panarchy in La Marjaleria Social-Ecological System: Reflections for Operability (2021)
Nacher, M.E., Ferreira, C.S.S., Jones, M., Kalantari, Z., Land, 10, 980.
Reading Urban Green Morphology to Enhance Urban Resilience: A Case Study of Six Southern European Cities (2021)
Pezzagno, M., Frigione, B.M., Ferreira, C.S.S., Sustainability, 13, 9163.
Sustainable futures over the next decade are rooted in soil science (2021)
Evans, D., Janes-Bassett, V., Borrelli, P., Chenu, C., Ferreira, C.S.S., Griffiths, r., Kalantari, Z., Keesstra, S., Lal, R., Panagos, P., Robinson, D., Seifollahi-Aghmiuni, S., Smith, P., Steenhuis, T., Thomas, A., Visser, S., European Journal of Soil Science, 1-16.
Environmental and socioeconomic factors influencing the use of urban green spaces in Coimbra (Portugal) (2021)
Pinto, L., Ferreira, C.S.S., Pereira, P., Science of the Total Environment, 792, 148293.
Liveable cities: Current environmental challenges and paths to urban sustainability (2021)
Ferreira, C., Kalantari, Z., Pereira, P., Journal of Environmental Management, 227, 111458.
Unravelling diverse values of ecosystem services: a socio-cultural valuation using Q methodology in Messenia, Greece (2020)
Maniatakou S., Berg H., Maneas, G., and Daw T. M., Sustainability, 12:10320.
Spatial Variability of Aerosols over Greek Archaeological Sites Using Space-Borne Remote Sensing (2020)
Sakka A., Gerasopoulos E., Liakakou E., Keramitsoglou I., and Zacharias N., Journal of Cultural Heritage, 1–11.
Transdisciplinary Research for Sustainability: Scoping for Project Potential (2020)
Therese B., Maneas G., Maniatakou S., Piemontese L., Schaffer C., Schellens M., and Österlin C., International Social Science Journal.
Effectiveness of Nature-Based Solutions in Mitigating Flood Hazard in a Mediterranean PeriUrban Catchment (2020)
Ferreira C., Mourato S., Ksanin-Grubin M., Ferreira A., Destouni G., and Kalantari Z., Water, 12, 2893.
Potential health and equity co-benefits related to the mitigation policies reducing air pollution from residential wood burning in Athens, Greece (2019)
Bailey J., Gerasopoulos E., Rojas-Rueda D., Benmarhnia T., Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 54:11, 1144-1151.
Priorities and Interactions of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with Focus on Wetlands (2019)
F. Jaramillo, A. Desormeaux, J. Hedlund., G. Destouni, Zahra Kalantari, et al., Water, 11(3), 619
Robust Assessment of Uncertain Freshwater Changes: The Case of Greece with Large Irrigation—and Climate-Driven Runoff Decrease (2018)
Destouni G., Prieto C., Water, 10, 11.
Wetlands as large-scale nature-based solutions: Status and challenges for research, engineering and management (2017)
​Thorslund J., Jarsjö J., Jaramillo F., Jawitz J.W., Manzoni S., Basu N.B., Chalov S.R., Cohen M.J., Creed I.F., Goldenberg R., Hylin A., Kalantari Z., Koussis A.D., Lyon S.W., Mazi K., Mård J., Persson K., PietroÅ„ J., Prieto C., Quin A., Van Meter K., Destouni G., Ecological Engineering, 108 Part B.
Quantifying a sustainable management space for human use of coastal groundwater under multiple change pressures (2016)
Mazi K., Koussis A.D., Destouni G., Water Resources Management, 30, 4063–4080, DOI 10.1007/s11269-016-1363-1, (Erratum, pp 4081–4081).
Effect of Climate Change Projections on Forest Fire Behavior and Values-at-Risk in Southwestern Greece (2015)
Kalabokidis K., Palaiologou P., Gerasopoulos E., Giannakopoulos C., Kostopoulou E, Zerefos C., Forests, 6, 2214-2240.
Local flow regulation and irrigation raise global human water consumption and footprint (2015)
Jaramillo F, Destouni G., Science, 350 (6265), 1248-1251.
Modeling potential water resource impacts of Mediterranean tourism in a changing climate (2015)
Klein, J., Ekstedt, K., Walter, M.T., Lyon, S.W., Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 20(2), pp 117-128.
Seawater intrusion risks and controls for safe use of coastal groundwater under multiple change pressures (2014)
Mazi, K., PhD Dissertation, No 42 (Physical Geography), Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University, Sweden. ISSN 1653-7211, ISBN 978-91-7447-907-2, Print: US-AB, Stockholm.
Intensively exploited Mediterranean aquifers: resilience to seawater intrusion and proximity to critical thresholds (2014)
Mazi K., Koussis A.D., Destouni G., Hydrology and Earth System Science, 18, pp 1663-1677.
Impact of Climate Change on Tourism Development of Sensitive Areas of Greece. Pilot Implementation: Messinia—Areas of Integrated Tourism Development (2014)
XENIOS project (Zerefos, Gerasopoulos, Karakousis), National project funded by NSRF (National Strategic Reference Framework) 2007-2013
Cost-efficient management of coastal aquifers via recharge with treated wastewater and desalination of brackish groundwater: Application to the Akrotiri Basin and Aquifer, Cyprus (2010)
Koussis A.D., Georgopoulou E., Kotronarou A., Mazi K., Restrepo P., Destouni G., Prieto C., Rodriguez J.J., Rodriguez-Mirasol J., Cordero T., Ioannou C., Georgiou A., Schwarz J., Zacharias I., Hydrological Sciences Journal, 55(7), pp 1234–1245.
Cost-efficient management of coastal aquifers via recharge with treated wastewater and desalination of brackish groundwater: General framework (2010)
Koussis A.D., Georgopoulou E., Kotronarou A., Lalas D.P., Restrepo P., Destouni G., Prieto C., Rodriguez J.J., Rodriguez-Mirasol J., Cordero T., Gomez-Gotor A., Hydrological Sciences Journal, 55(7), pp 1217–1233.
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