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Human-induced Interventions: Impacts and Responses
Characterization of black crust on archaeological marble from the Library of Hadrian in Athens and inferences about contributing pollution sources (2022)
Mitsos D., Kantarelou V., Palamara E., Karydas A.G., Zacharias N., Gerasopoulos E., Journal of Cultural Heritage, 53, 236-243.
Possible Effects of Greenhouse Gases to Ozone Profiles and DNA Active UV-B Irradiance at Ground Level (2020)
Eleftheratos K., Kapsomenakis J., Zerefos C., Bais A., Fountoulakis I., Dameris M., Jöckel P., et al., Atmosphere, 11 (3): 1–19.
Anthropogenic Changes in a Mediterranean Coastal Wetland during the Last Century—The Case of Gialova Lagoon, Messinia, Greece (2019)
Maneas, G.; Makopoulou, E.; Bousbouras, D.; Berg, H.; Manzoni, S., Water, 11, 350.
Potential health and equity co-benefits related to the mitigation policies reducing air pollution from residential wood burning in Athens, Greece (2019)
Bailey J., Gerasopoulos E., Rojas-Rueda D., Benmarhnia T., Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 54:11, 1144-1151.
Climate Change and Ancient Societies. Facing up to the Challenge of Chronological Control (2018)
Finné, M. and Weiberg, E., In Ekblom, A. (eds): The Resilience of Heritage: Cultivating a Future of the Past. Essays in Honour of Professor Paul J.J. Sinclair. Uppsala: Uppsala University. pp 5-23
Zones of untreatable water pollution call for better appreciation of mitigation limits and opportunities (2018)
Destouni G., Jarsjö J., WIREs Water, e1312.
Quantifying a sustainable management space for human use of coastal groundwater under multiple change pressures (2016)
Mazi K., Koussis A.D., Destouni G., Water Resources Management, 30, 4063–4080, DOI 10.1007/s11269-016-1363-1, (Erratum, pp 4081–4081).
Local flow regulation and irrigation raise global human water consumption and footprint (2015)
Jaramillo F, Destouni G., Science, 350 (6265), 1248-1251.
Seawater intrusion risks and controls for safe use of coastal groundwater under multiple change pressures (2014)
Mazi, K., PhD Dissertation, No 42 (Physical Geography), Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University, Sweden. ISSN 1653-7211, ISBN 978-91-7447-907-2, Print: US-AB, Stockholm.
Intensively exploited Mediterranean aquifers: resilience to seawater intrusion and proximity to critical thresholds (2014)
Mazi K., Koussis A.D., Destouni G., Hydrology and Earth System Science, 18, pp 1663-1677.
Modeling the chemical and radiative effects of aerosol during the wildfires of 2007 in Greece (2013)
Athanasopoulou E., Rieger, D., Walter, C., Vogel, H., Vogel, B., Gerasopoulos, E.
Cost-efficient management of coastal aquifers via recharge with treated wastewater and desalination of brackish groundwater: Application to the Akrotiri Basin and Aquifer, Cyprus (2010)
Koussis A.D., Georgopoulou E., Kotronarou A., Mazi K., Restrepo P., Destouni G., Prieto C., Rodriguez J.J., Rodriguez-Mirasol J., Cordero T., Ioannou C., Georgiou A., Schwarz J., Zacharias I., Hydrological Sciences Journal, 55(7), pp 1234–1245.
Cost-efficient management of coastal aquifers via recharge with treated wastewater and desalination of brackish groundwater: General framework (2010)
Koussis A.D., Georgopoulou E., Kotronarou A., Lalas D.P., Restrepo P., Destouni G., Prieto C., Rodriguez J.J., Rodriguez-Mirasol J., Cordero T., Gomez-Gotor A., Hydrological Sciences Journal, 55(7), pp 1217–1233.
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