NEO development seminar
The challenges and opportunities emerging from a new economy in light of climate change, as well as proposals to promote innovation for sustainable development, were at the core of a seminar held on May 2019 at the Academy of Athens, which was organised by the Navarino Environmental Observatory (ΝΕΟ) and the Swedish Embassy in Greece.
The seminar focused on opportunities arising from smart climate investments leading to Europe's 21st century reform.
The speeches highlighted the need for integrated management of natural resources to achieve sustainable development and the role of innovation, entrepreneurship and investment in global climate change.
The event was honoured with the presence of HE The President of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. Prokopios Pavlopoulos and HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden.
Press Release (ENG), Press Release (GR)
Below is the seminar program, including videos of presentations!
Opening statements
Antony Kounadis, President, Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens
Achilles V. Constantakopoulos, Chairman, TEMES SA
Astrid Söderbergh Widding, President, Stockholm University
Introduction to the Navarino Environmental Observatory
Karin Holmgren, Professor, Chair of the Navarino Environmental Observatory Steering Committee and Vice Chancellor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
NEO and adaptation to climate change at Messinia
Christos Zerefos, Professor, Center of Environmental Effects on Health, Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens
Introduction to the new climate economy concept
Johan Kuylenstierna, Adjust Professor and Director, Navarino Environmental Observatory, Stockholm University and Vice Chair of the Swedish Climate Policy Council
Session 1 - Climate smart investments: driving transformations in Europe in 21st century
Session moderator
Evangelos Gerasopoulos, Research Director, Institute of Environmental Research and Sustainable Development, National Observatory of Athens, Director of the Hellenic Group on Earth Observation Office
How urban planning and investments can drive climate-smart transformation?
Gunnar Söderholm, Director, Environment and Health Administration in the City of Stockholm
Connecting climate action with responsible investments
Dionysia-Theodora Avgerinopoulou, Vice-Chair, Steering Committee of the Global Water Partnership Organization, Head of Water of the Energy and Environment Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce
Session 2: From Source to Sea - how integrated management of natural resources can drive sustainable development
Session moderator
Sara Cousins, Professor in Physical Geography and Associate Professor in Plant Ecology, Stockholm University
Introduction to the Source to Sea concept
Jakob Granit, Director General, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
EU Coastal Collaborative Land Sea Integration Platform-COASTAL: Co-creating evidence-based business roadmaps and policy solutions for enhancing coastal-rural collaboration and synergies
Georgia Destouni, Professor, Head of the Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University, and Member of The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Aris Karageorgis, Research Director and the Director of the Institute of Oceanography, Hellenic Centre of Marine Research
Giorgos Maneas, Station Manager, Navarino Environmental Observatory, Stockholm University
Session 3: Driving innovation, entrepreneurship and investments for sustainable development and climate transition in Greece
Session moderator
Johan Kuylenstierna, Adjunct Professor and Director, Navarino Environmental Observatory, Stockholm University, and vice chair of the Swedish Climate Policy Council
Stephanos Theodorides, Managing Director of TEMES SA
Pantelis Capros, Professor, National Technical University of Athens
Concluding remarks
Charlotte Sammelin, Ambassador of Sweden to Greece